
LoveWood Trading

Always searching for new opportunities along life’s journey.

We actively sell on Amazon and other online marketplaces. We sell quality products from many different brands as well as our own line of product bundles and handcrafted items.

For our entire product line, please Visit our Store.

Our currently featured product is found on Amazon.

Interested in learning to sell online like we do?

Let our expertise help you understand your business and achieve your vision of success.

After just one session, you’ll feel more confident in understanding your numbers and setting your business goals.

Our Services


Product Analysis

We’ll show you how to get to analyze your product profitability.

Business Analysis

Does selling a profitable product ensure you have a profitable business? Learn about all your costs and how to track them.

New Amazon Seller

Getting started selling on Amazon takes some work. We can help!


Understanding Profit First

Managing cash flow is key to your Amazon business. Learn how Profit First can help!

Planning your Income

Do you know how much income you would like to make? Do you have a plan to get there? Let’s make one.

Brand Benefits

Do you have a brand that should be on Amazon? Are your products not selling as well as you would like? Let’s work together to solve your problem.


“My brain feels at peace! I think I may finally know my numbers. I appreciate you.”

– Cheri W.

Let’s talk!

Your first consultation is always free and you will come away with some actionable information!